Heads up 360 fanboys... teehee~ no pun intended! The Xbox 360 is getting a facelift, or bodylift, whatever you want to call it. The HDD is bigger, meaner, and it's black! Woo! Click the picture above for a better view.
Microsoft confirmed that they're releasing what's been dubbed the Xbox 360 Elite. It costs a mere $479.99. Wow... only $79 more than it's 60GB cousin. It includes a 120GB harddrive, an HDMI cable port (it's basically a high-definition TV cable), a black wireless controller, and a headset.
Sounds yummy, doesn't it? Almost makes me wanna buy a 360 now xD.
Also being launched along side of it is black Xbox 360 Play & Charge kit ($19.99), a black 360 Rechargeable Battery ($11.99), and a black 360 Wireless Controller ($49.99). What a line-up, eh?
For those who already have a 360, there's also going to be a 120GB add-on drive released separately for $179.99, which will also have a data transfer cable from the 360 to the HDD. Unfortunately the 360 Elite isn't going to have this cable. Awww.. *pats the poor fanboys* poor babies. Fear not! Microsoft promised some sort of solution for anyone who decided to upgrade from the Premium and Core systems to the Elite.
Praise be to the Gaming Gods, ye fanboys and fangirls! Worship them well, for they provide plentiful bounties upon us!
It comes out on April 29th.
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